Productivity Tools Saves


    It is difficult to fathom the impact and our reliance on productivity tools in our classrooms and life in general. I often find myself wondering how we would have and could have fared in the face of COVID-19, not only in education but in society had it not been for the presence of and quick transition to our online platforms. Our relationship with productivity tools quickly expanded, allowing communities to remain connected and carry on with the need for human connection and collaboration. In many situations, masters classes for one, strategies and formats which came about as a result of Covid never went back to how they were pre-covid.

    Utilizing and teaching digital literacy and balance in our classrooms is essential now. Productivity suites, such as google workplace are free tools which provide a wealth of applications for users to explore and use as tools to guide, organize, and expand their own learning and online presence. I have witnessed several students over the years gain accessibility and confidence with grade level content with the help of productivity tools. Students who are reading and writing below grade level can use tools such as google read/write to comprehend material, as well as get their ideas out. Productivity tools offer students the opportunity to gain insight into themselves as learners, expand their learning, and make the most out of learning opportunities. There is often a new interest in tasks which were once met with reluctance.

    Skinner's theory supports the use of technology and productivity tools that in many cases, students are able to work and develop knowledge at their own pace or in a manner that is suitable to their learning needs. Dewey's focus on 'learners as guides' is greatly supported by the use of productivity tools in our classrooms. There are countless opportunities now where we give students 'something to do' and through the use of productivity tools they navigate their own way, often resulting in alternate end results. This is a valuable way for students to learn problem solving, discover things about themselves as learners, and also sheds light on the notion that there are many different realities, methods, and end goals. This sort of practical application of knowledge provides a more realistic learning process to navigating challenges in life. 

    Siemen's ideas in connectivism bring light to the opportunities and growth born of online connection through finding like-minded people regardless of where in the world you are situated. A person who at one time had to wait years and possibly even decades to find people who experienced a shared reality, now have the opportunity to find potential connections earlier on in life through online connections. Obviously this can have positive effects on a person's well-being, but on the flip side there can be equally devastating impacts in the name of 'hate'. While some online interactions are potentially unavoidable, students also need to be taught what to focus on and what to avoid. 

    As with any type of digital usage comes the responsibility to find a healthy balance. Productivity tools serve as an important means to organize, aid, and enhance our work and lifestyle, however complete reliance can be a dangerous crutch.


  1. Hi Nysa
    You have linked the use of these teaching tools to the principles of skineer and di that allow students to learn at their own pace and give them the ability to direct their own learning. This is a very important point in which it has been told that these tools not only help in understanding the educational material but also provide them with an opportunity to learn in a new way. It is evident from your ideas that productivity tools play a vital role in enhancing productivity of our lives and work. But we should learn to use them wisely and be aware of any potential drawbacks.
    Thank you
    Prabhdeep Kaur


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