What is technology?

    On pondering 'what is technology' a common instinctual association is with the digital realm, even though technology spans the existence of humanity and digital technology is but a fragment of the human experience. Regardless of how we understand its' definition, our usage of and reliance on the tools designed to aid in our interactions with our worlds remains at the heart of our relationship with the world around us. In this sense, contemporary technology has not swayed much from it's origins, in that it continues to represent the tools designed and used by humanity to aid in day to day tasks. It just so happens that many of the tools designed and used over time are now accessible through a singular device: the smartphone.

     I remember well the introduction of the World Wide Web during my grade 12 year. Honestly, the piercing sound of the dial-up connection as my family desk top computer gained access to this new phenomenon actually creeped me out at the time. I come from a generation of kids that played in the streets until dark, didn't where bike helmets, and used rotary land lines to call up friends, and so there is a large part of my value system which is still greatly influenced by the reality that shaped me. As a result, I believe that kids nowadays (including my own) spend far to much time on devices and that developing a healthy media balance is beyond their scope of understanding, partially because we as adults don't even have a handle on our own.

    From an educational standpoint, I have witnessed the benefits of using digital technology in the classroom. I believe that using digital technology and teaching students about digital citizenship should be a priority in our schools simply because of it's inevitability in our lives. The social responsibility that we now have within the digital landscape is far reaching and requires new ways of responding to and interacting with the things around us because it is on record. Teaching students about their digital footprint and the ways that the decisions that they make online can have lasting effects on their identity is an overwhelming but necessary concept to explore.

    Like any tool, digital technology should be taught and used to aid in or enhance our awareness and understanding and as it continues to grow and evolve, so will our relationship with it. It is important that our ability to problem solve and think creatively is not lost, and thinking critically about the wealth of information that we are faced with is more important now than ever before. Digital technology is here to stay and our responsibility as educators to help students navigate their responsibility and place within their changing world does not come with a 'one size fits all' criteria. Students must be taught to consider their relationship with digital technology and the impact that it has on their relationship with themselves and others in the material world.


  1. Hi Naysa, You have explained very well how how technology has advanced and how it plays an important role in our day to day life.You have shared your personal experience with the World Wide Web, and you have also described the experience of today's children with smartphones and the Internet. You have raised a very good point about how children nowadays spend a lot of time on devices,which makes it difficult for them to properly understand things.

  2. Hi Naysa,
    I like how beautifully you have highlighted the shift in how we use and think about the technology in your reflection. Its very crucial to understand the impact of using the technology. Students must need to know what they are doing online can affect them in a negative manner. You raise an important point about not losing the ability to think critically and creatively and hence, its our responsibility to help and navigate our students to understand how to use technology in ways that support their learning and relationships.
    Gagan deep kaur

  3. Hi Naysa,
    I am so impressed by the way you have explained advent of technology and its role in education sector. I also love the part which states the justified way of using technology.
    Gurjinder Kaur

  4. Hi Naysa,

    It was very interesting for me to read your article, especially the part where you share your first experience of connecting to the internet. It must have been an incredible and a very ambiguous feeling! As for me, I am from the generation that grew up with the internet, and I can hardly imagine my life without it. However, I can totally relate to your emotions when I think about some newly emerging technologies, such as AI, realistic VR glasses, etc, which also "creep" me out sometimes but also really excite and give me hope that they would be used wisely by learners and educators.

    I also really appreciate your mentioning of the importance of raising digital footprint awareness among students. We shouldn't forget that our role as instructors is not only to convey certain information and develop skills but also to help our students make the right choices, including the ones they make online.

    I look forward to your next publications!


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